$81.54 $628.16

How to use NMN?

Purity over 99%.
In a test commissioned by the manufacturer, an independent laboratory did not detect the presence of endotoxins in our NMN.
Recommended daily dose up to 1 gram.
Temperature stable but we recommend keeping refrigerated.
If you need to store it for a longer period of time, place it in the freezer.
Proven to be stable during a 6 months stress test at 40 degrees C where the loss of purity was less than 1%. Therefore it does not need to be shipped refrigerated. Even though it is quite resistant to heat we still recommend keeping it refrigerated whenever possible.
Free measuring spoon included. The spoon holds 0,5g NMN and is dishwasher safe.
NMN from Hansen Supplements can be taken sublingual.


$33.22 $235.56

How to use Resveratrol?

Purity over 99%.
Recommended daily dose up to 1 gram.
Temperature stable but we recommend to keep refrigerated.
If you need to store it for a longer period of time, place it in the freezer. The general shelf life of the product is minimum 2 years.
Resveratrol only dissolves in fat sources, therefore it should be taken together with e.g. a spoon of olive oil, coconut oil, fat yogurt or similar.
This product is created through a process of chemical synthesis, which, contrary to what could be assumed, is a better solution since it achieves a higher purity than resveratrol from plant sources and contains less heavy metals. Furthermore, resveratrol from synthesis does not degrade and turn brown like plant based resveratrol often does.
We do not recommend resveratrol produced from grapes as these are among the most sprayed crops. This can result in pesticide residues in the product.
The bioavailability of both types of resveratrol is the same.
Free measuring spoon included. The spoon holds 0,4g resveratrol and is dishwasher safe.