Ganoderma Coffee 3 in 1

Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.00.


Benefits of Ganoderma Coffee 3 in 1 for Health
Recent research has shown that caffeine in controlled amounts doesn’t pose any threat to the human body as it was previously thought to have so. Ganoderma Coffee has been formulated to use the top-grade ingredients with substantial health-care ramification.


1. Improves Mental Alertness
Ganoderma Coffee helps to increase the activity in the central nervous system of the brain which helps to increase alertness, enhance sharpness for you to stay on top of your game by maintaining your focus and concentration thus increases performance.

2. Protects Cardiovascular Functions
Caffeine and Coffee is known for its richness in phenol compounds, which is rich antioxidants capable of slowing down low density lipoproteins (LDL) oxidised up to three times. In addition, It discourages any thrombi forming.

3. Effects of Antioxidant
Ganoderma Coffee offers a rich blend of caffeine, caffeine acid, Yung Kien Ganoderma extract and many other antioxidant substances. This works well in combating any health threatening free radicals in our bodies.

An excess high level of free radicals adversely affects the body’s metabolism, destroys body cells and weakens havoc to various organs and tissues.

4. Maintains Body Weight
Caffeine has been found to increase the rate of calorie output. Recent research findings have shown that just drinking Ganoderma Coffee once a day is good enough to speed up breakdown of fat content in food and elevate metabolism by 3 to 4% and increase calorie expenditure.

5. Promotes Diuresis
Ganoderma Coffee is capable of promoting kidney and diuretic functions to increase urinating and improve bloating and dropsy/oedema.

6. Promotes Digestion
Thanks to caffeine’s ability to increase the sympathetic nerve and increase secretion of gastric acid by having a drink or two of Ganoderma Coffee. It can help digest and prevent gastroptosis.

Ganoderma also has the ability to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, infections and hepatitis.

Yung Kien Eye Plus

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $64.00.


Content: 20 Packets/Box

Main Ingredients of Yung Kien Eye Plus include:
● Lutein
● Zeaxanthin
● Blackcurrant Extract
● Bilberry Extract
● Natural Astaxanthin Extract
● Wolfberry Extract


● Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Derivatives of carotenoid extracted from Flora Glo Lutein. Which is one of the more than 700 chemical compounds found in carotenoid. A clinical research has shown that Lutein and Zeaxanthin are indispensable needed by the retina and lenses.
● Blackcurrant Extract: Offers up to 4 types of natural Polyphenols, antioxidants and an excellent source of nutrients needed essentially for good eyesight.
● Natural Astaxanthin Extract: Derived from deepsea silicate algae, it has been found from extensive research to be antioxidant. And also 1,000 times more effective than Vitamin E, thus is extremely helpful in improving conditions of working adults and students who have to focus on computer screens and whiteboards for long hours.
● Bilberry Extract: With more than 15 types of Anthocyanins, it’s 50 times more effective than
Vitamin E as an antioxidant, thus is a medicine to protect your eyes.
● Wolfberry Extract: A concentrated extract from traditional Chinese herb Woldberry, it offers a rich supply of Zeaxanthin, Betaine, Vitamin B1 and B2, nicotinic acid, iron, etc. According to the earliest extant monograph on material medicine in China, known as the Shen Nong’s
Herbal Classic, Wolfberry is notable in “nourishing the kidneys, moistening the lungs and enhancing the acuity of vision”. Which explains why it contributes in no small way to improving our eyesight.

● Lingzhi: Incorporated for its efficiency in “improving eyesight, calming nerves, invigorating qi, reinforcing the liver and enhancing mental faculty”, as recorded in various ancient herbal books.
● Other antioxidant nutrients include: Beta Carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Zinc and Selenium.